Have you ever been able to look back on your life and exactly pinpoint the moment that everything changed?
My dad did that for me on Easter Sunday. I was at lunch with mom, dad and Joe. We were talking about church and how good the service had been that morning. We were mostly chatting about how much we all love being a part of Christ Church (mom and dad with the CM campus, me with the youth and Joe with softball). We were also talking about how thankful we were for all the good friends we've made and how the church has brought so many good people and experiences into our lives.
And then my dad said something that I can't quit thinking about, "Just think, if I would have gotten the Triad job we wouldn't be where we are today." That one statement blew me away.
About 10 years ago (maybe 8 or 11) my dad was working as the Asst Superintendent of the Triad School District. His best friend was the superintendent and had decided to retire. It seemed only natural that my dad would get his job. For reasons I still don't understand, he didn't. To say it was a slap in the face to my family would be an understatement. You see, my dad is the greatest educator I've ever known. No one loves teaching more than him. There is no one kinder or more generous than my dad. I was insulted and hurt (possibly more than him). I had always planned on my parent's living in Troy forever. I wanted to live in Troy forever. It is a great community filled with great people (contrary to what you see/read on the Troy fb page) and I couldn't imagine my family living anywhere else.
To make a long story short, my dad worked in two great districts after that. He bounced back from not getting the job. He got to end his career surrounded by amazing teachers and working with an amazing school board. My parent's moved to Fairview and live in a great neighborhood. But I, still kind of held a grudge. My plans for my family were ruined by a group of 7 people and I still was a little bitter about it.
Then in one sentence spoken by my dad on an Easter Sunday 10 years later my grudge turned into grateful. I know we never would have decided to go to Christ Church if my parent's hadn't moved to Fairview. One decision by a group of 7 people completely changed the trajectory of my faith walk. One decision by a group of 7 people put some of the greatest friends I've ever had in my life. One decision by a group of 7 people means that every Wed and every other Sun I get to hang with the coolest and smartest high school kids I know. One decision changed my path in one of the most significant ways possible. The word "no" was turned into the biggest "yes" my family has ever said.
That God of ours, He knows what He's doing.
Signed: After 31 years I'm still blown away by how much I'm not in control.
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