Monday, December 16, 2013

I need a hobby...

I've felt kind of restless lately. A little bored. Just a little all around uneasy. And I don't like it.

I think all the stress from moving houses and offices at the end of the summer was so exhausting that I hibernated all Fall. And I loved it. I needed a season of rest, relaxation, and taking care of myself.

But you can't stay in any one season for too long.

And now it's time for a change. I need to stop the hibernation. I need to start using my creative brain again. I need to read more. I need to do things that will make me happy. I need a hobby. So what does that mean? I have no idea! And maybe that's the beauty of it.

Have you ever felt a season in your life shifting and changing? It's like everything in me is letting me know I can't be idle anymore. It's time to try something new and different.

I don't know how any of this will play out but I'm opening my mind and my heart to experience something new. I'm ready for what God is ready to throw at me. If it's a sudden desire to work out or knitting everyone I know a sweater, you my readers are my witnesses that I will try whatever comes my way. As long as it's not more online shopping, tv watching or napping.

On a side note, I was talking about needing a hobby today at work and I got the following suggestions: pokemon collecting, rock collecting, moon rock collecting, baking, brewing my own coffee, and badminton were some of my favorites. Hahaha

So do you all have a hobby? What do you do to keep your life from standing still?

Signed: This girl has had enough of being tired!

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